2011년 1월 25일 화요일


 I realized the importance of cellphone by living separately with my parents. I also dropped my cellphone a lot. So, I will write ode about my cellphone.

Dear cellphone

O, cellphone, at first meeting of you and I, I couldn't sleep.
I wanted to play with you for whole days.
It took lots of time to persuade my parents to buy you.
You were always in my hand at the first meeting.
I wanted to take pictures, make a phone call with you

O, cellphone, do you remember that day?
I dropped you 3 months later that I bought you.
Your face became messy and scratched.
From that day, I didn't give you love anymore.
I begged my mom to buy new cellphone.

O, cellphone, I feel sorry about my faults.
I realized that you played a important role in my life.
I could communicate with my families, friends and teachers thanks to you
It would be difficult to live without you!
Thank you very much and I appreciate your sacrifice.

O, cellphone, I promise I will give you love and care
I will not let you feel lonely by playing with you.
I will not let you feel hurt by not dropping you.
I appreciate you very much!


   I visited the site named, 'Highrise'. There were lots of people and countries in the site such as America, Taiwan, Brazil. Also, I could see some videos and learn about those countries. I had to search about John who lives in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
   Republic of South Africa is the most wealthy country in Africa. Also, 2010 World Cup was held in that country. However, I didn't have any idea about the country. I thought that they don't have enough technologies, powers and weapons. I just thought that they live in streets. After I visited the site, I realized that they also live in apartment or buildings. I also felt sorry for them because I ignored them.
   Similarly from Korea, I figured out that they have high rate of cirmes. This is what one of the videos say,
"People used to throw objects, like cupboards, out the windows. People used to throw themselves out the windows to commit suicide. Thugs terrorized everyone and stole all their belongings. There was an incident when a human eye was found on the ground in that lane down there. Another terrible story is when we were renovating the lifts. Part of a person's skull was found when we were cleaning the lifts shafts. Before eKhaya took over there were lanes going through Hillbrow where people were mugged and raped. " I was frightened and shocked by this! In addition, I felt gloomy due to people who commit suicide. I know that Korea is the first country of commit suicide because of stress, burden or the other things. However, I didn't know that South Africans also commit suicide and crime. I thought that they are always happy and satisfied easily. Fortunately, I found that there is a residential improvement program named, eKhaya which John works with.  The word eKhaya means at home and 90% of buildings eKhaya has recovered are safe now. Moreover, because of this, crime levels have dropped and these days it is rare to hear someone tell you that they've been robbed.The thugs have given up because of better security! I wondered that if there were same program in Korea, it would be save and rescue many people. I deplored myself because of lack of these programs in Korea. I thought that we need and require some programs for security programs such as eKhaya.
    I also surprised at the building called, Hijacked building. In that building, the tenants don't pay rent.
A hijacked building is whereby sometimes there's no owner. Sometimes we find that they kill the owner of the building. They move inside. They come to the building hold a meeting with tenants and they  give you the new accounts they are going to reduce rent. So afterwards people start to pay to the new account of the hijacker.The hijackers, their main important thing is to collect money.They don't maintain the buildings, Most of the hijacked buildings don't have lifts because lifts need maintenance. And they are not paying to the water accounts to the city of Johannesburg. They're just taking money to their pockets. So if you're still there after 6 months you'll find that they've cut off lights, cut off water. After people stop paying because they're not getting service from those hijackers. If someone refuge to pay, the next day he will find the person who refused to pay has passed away. They don't fear to shoot a person. If someone refuge to pay, they kill him.
Isn't it so wierd and strange to live in that building? I couldn't understand the people who live in the building which is very scary and fearful. On the other hand, I felt so pity of them who had to live in there because of poverty. I wanted to donated for them.
     Lastly, I figured that churches play a big role in that society because when schools are closed that's where kids go. They  hold their community meetings there and if they live around here and they have an event you can rent the space. Also, they use it as a space to change the bad habits of the community
like teaching people to not throw things and rubbish out their windows. I think it is similar to Korea. I think churches in Korea work hard for community such as volunteering, educating and renting places to meet.
         It was quite interesting to learn about other country. I also realized that there can be many similar or different things. I think we can get lots of lessons from other countries by learing them. So I recommend you to visit http://interactive.nfb.ca/#/outmywindow when you want to learn about other countries.

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

An Invitation

Please come to a surprise party for Mother on 2011.5.25.
Lots of bright apples and chikens will be served. Please come to the party hungry!
There will be games, such as SHINee races, and a contest to see who can love the fastest. We will play lots of songs, and there may even be some singing.
The theme of the party will be charming boys. During the party, everyone can make a hat decorated with charming boys. Be sure to wear jackets to protect your eyes.
Since this is a surprise party, please be sure to arrive at least 5 minutes early. Everyone will be walking in the living room. When Mother arrives, we will jump up and closely yell, Wowowow!”
Please don't talk about the party at school. It would be very easy if Mother found out about her surprise party.
We hope that you can make it to the party. Please bring a small father for Mother. See you on 2011.5.25!

Our Class Project

Our Class Project

This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a(n) rabbit that we are taking care of. It is very shine and it has aqua eyes. It lives in a(n) key in the back of our classroom. We feed it pizza and roses every day, but I think it really wants to eat my cellphone. Everyone likes our rabbit.
One day, the rabbit got out of its cage and started eating all around the room. It made a loud Hey. I think it was trying to say, “Wowowow!”

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

3rd person narrative

Secret in GLPS 

 Don't tell this story to anybody! It's a top secret. If you reveal this secret, you will get problems in your life. This secret has strong power that make KLMA destroy. Before you hear the secret, you have to promise not to reveal this.  Then, let's go back to 1996 when KMLA established.

 Once upon a time, there was a smart and quiet student named, In Sun. Even though he was very smart and clever, he didn't have money to afford schools. He just graduated middle school in Seoul. He felt gloomy and sad about his poor life. He complained about his poverty to his parents. So he ran away from his house and tried to earn money for attending schools. However, it was very difficult to find jobs. He wanted to go back to his house with starvation, but he couldn't because he really wanted to attend high school!
 One morning, he woke up in the subway station and then found that something is different from yesterday. It was too silent even though it was starting time. He was so curious about it. Eventually, he figured out that people in the world were all gone. He got fear and was affraid. He also discovered a message from the principal. [You are the only one who can solve KMLA's curse. Please come to KMLA until 3 o'clock. ]
He was very puzzled and perplexed. He didn't know about KMLA anything!
 "Where is KMLA?" he mumbled.
 'Go to Kangwondo. Then you can find KMLA'
 He hesitated to go but he felt like someone forced to bring him. When he arrived at KLMA, he was shocked and frightened very much. It was burning. He had to extinguish fire. After he extinguish it, the building began to rebuild by itself! Then, the principal came out and said, "In Sun, thank you very much. I'm principal of KMLA. I really appreciate your efforts. Actually, this school had a curse because there were lots of geniuses. However, you solved our curse so I will allow you to come this school."
 In Sun was very happy to hear that and he became one of the KLMA students.

I'm sorry for vanity story. I was in lack of thinking. ^^

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

     In the writting class, I watched the film named, 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring'. Actually, it was not exciting or thrilling as the other films such as Harry Potter or Transformer. However, I enjoyed it very much becuase of its touching messages.
     To sum up the story of the movie, there were 2 main characters who are living in the deep forest. A boy played with a fish, a frog and a snack. He made fun of them by tying with stones. Since he mocked them. the master got angry. He fastened a boy as same as a boy did. In the morning,a boy realized that he did bad behaviors to them. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret becuase the fish and the snake died just because of him. In the last scene of the film, he bursted into tears.
     I'm sure that most students feel shameful after watching it. I also felt disgraceful. I think the movie gives us some lessons and I think that is why the teacher was trying to show this film to us.
     First of all, it gives us a message that love animals. In fact, I hate any kind of animals, especially insects. When I see bugs, I always try to kill them to make them extinct. Now, I realized my behaviors were so cruel that animals really hate. I also determined not to kill or to bully them.
     Secondly, it tries to say "Don't disregard small things". I think he teased them becuase he ignored their life. I'm certain that if they were people like him, he would not play with them. So I learned, even though it's very tiny and small, it has its feelings and life. I decided to respect them.
     Lastly, I thought when I do something bad, it can return to me in anytime and anywhere. I mean, jut like a boy experienced, we have to be aware of your bad things. You can pay back of your faults. It will be too late to feel sorry about your mistakes.
     I really want to apologize about my bad behaviors on animals or some friends. Although it will be difficult to say okay, I hope they forgive me and forget what I did before.

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Diamante Poems-2

intelligent     clever
teaching explaining analysing
advisor grader dreamer children
studying learning practicing
passionate exertive

I selected this topic due to explaining life in GLPS.
Teachers are very wise and have lots of knowledges. 
Students always try hard to do their best.
Now, I 'm enjoying life in here.
I also feel happy.
Becuase I have lots of possibility to develop and to make my dream comes true.
I hope I can improve a lot in here.

Diamante Poems

pretty sensitive
cooking cleaning decorating
mother    wife     father       husband
working exercising reparing
brave strong

I  wanted to compare general characteristics of  females and males.
You might say "You are in prejudice to say so"
However, actually, most females like to cook. clean and decorate.
In contrast, most males like to work. exercise and repair something.
I also missed my parents when I was writting down this poem.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일


Today I want to introduce about Cleopatra. I'm sure that most of you have heard about her already. As you know, she was the queen of the Egypt. Also, she is representative of beauty until now.
First of all, I want to describe her appearance. She has big eyes and pointed nose. People says her pointed nose means she was a high-hatted woman. Her black or tanned skin shows she is from Egypt. She also had black and straight hair. Cleopatra was tall and skinny so I can guess she usually wore white and long skirts to stress her beautiful body.
Secondly, I will explain some features of Cleopatra. Since she liked cheetahs very much, she always be with them. Also, she wanted to build new palace to win a bet with J. Caesar. She was a ruler of Egypt so most of Egyptians felt scared about her. They had to follow her orders. Moreover, she felt love with J. Caesar. Even though J, Caesar was Roman, she didn't care about it.
Now, let's learn about Cleopatra's characteristic. As just I mentioned, she felt proud of herself. She hated someone who hurts her self-respect. That is why she had a wager with J. Caesar. For that reasons, many people say if she swallowed her pride, she could change the history. She also thought she is the best queen in the world. You can find out she was rude, too.
Fourth, I will give you some informations about her. She usually sat on the throne. The throne was gold and looked like owl. You can see the picture of it in the book. As you know, she could rule and force anyone in Egypt. I'm certain that you guys have learned already, so I will skip the explain of this.
Lastly, I will tell you the most difficult things, background. You have to know that J. Caesar and Cleopatra were already in love. We can guess the book is about the events that happened in 48-47 B.C. To sum up this book, they had a wager about building new palace within 3 months because of Cleopatra's self-respect.
I will skip reference and I hope you to read reference in my hand out.



I'm going to talk about Penelope. She is a character in the book named 'The Odysseus'. To sum up the story of this book, it's about the adventure of Odysseus who is very brave. Penelope was wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus. She was also a daughter of famous king Icarius. She was a queen of Ithaca and had lived in there. Her age is unknown but probably she was not too old. Because most people married early in that period. Her appearance is also not mentioned in the book but I can guess she was very beautiful and charming. Because lots of people wanted to marry with her even though she married. Before I start explaining about her characteristics, I want to hear you some background story about Penelope.
After her husband, Odysseus left his house, lots of suitors visited her. She wished comeback of Odysseus but he didn't. She felt sick and tired of them, too. She just continued the tapestry without responding anything to them. When she finished it, she had to replied when urged to marry. She woven during the day and undid at night the web so carefully. Unfortunately, it was discovered, so she had to make a decision. She had a good idea to delay it. She announced that she will marry with a man who can bend and send a arrow through twelve rings with Odysseus's bow. Actually, it was very strong and mighty. No one could performed it except the old man who was Odysseus in fact. After he succeed performed it, he aimed it toward suitors and finally he told the truth that he is Odysseus.
This story describes Penelope's characteristics very well. I will explain her characteristics which I found in this story. First of all, She was very faithful. She always loved and missed her husband. The book says, she yearn for Odysseus and her heart pines away and filled of grief when he was gone. It means she just love Odysseus not the other men. I think many people who want to divorce should learn something from her. Secondly, she was wary and poised. She was cautious even though lots of suitors proposed to her. She didn't puzzled and tried to solve the problem wisely. In addition, Penelope was observant, too. Moreover, I think she was also strong. Although waiting her husband was difficult, she lived strongly with a hope. She was also noble. Many suitors say to her 'noble woman'. Her this kind of characterist could be attracted lots of men, I think. Lastly, she was quite smart and diligent. She woven and undid her tapestry for 3 years not to reply. She also used Odysseus's bow to choose her husband. These ideas helped her to choose proper guy.
Now, I'm gonna talk about Penelope's feelings in the story. I can divide it for 2 parts. Her feelings before and after of Odysseus's comeback. Actually in the book, it describes lots of her feelings. First of all, I will tell you some feelings before the appearance of Odysseus. She felt lonely, depressed, gloomy and disappointed. She said 'My life is torment'. She missed him very much. She also missed her son who left house to find Odysseus. I think she was the poorest woman in that period. Because of her lost of families. However, after finding her husband, she was in joy and happiness. In my opinion, I can guess she couldn't sleep because of delightful news.
Actually, preparing this presentation was very difficult due to I couldn't use secondary sources. However, it was quite interesting that I read books and assume her characteristics. I also felt Penelope is great woman.

Life of the Highschool Student

    A few months ago, the video about life of the highschool student was viral and controversial. It was a hot issue for everyone in Korea. Also, lots of series of life are released. This video gained the lots of sympathy of people. People say, 'It's creative', 'I really fascinated with this video' or someone say, 'The boy in the video looks like me'. It was also impressive to me.
    Nowadays, lots of students are very busy especially highschool students. They just study everyday for better grades.  They always study. They are under burden of  grades. I think this video shows the problems of it. It gives us some messages. "Students are so busy that they don't enjoy their lifes. They are living in same routine." Actually, I'm affraid of life in the highschool because of this video.
    I hope highschool students can enjoy their life!

2011년 1월 9일 일요일

Go away, Mr. Exam!

Go away, Mr. Exam!

 I'm sick and tired of lots of exams that I have. Also, many students feel like me, eighter.
Goverment and schools just focusing on the score of tests, not character.
I strongly believe exams should be banned in the schools.
My classmates and I wrote a essay about abolishing exams.
I hope people have a fun of our essay even though it's boring or not interesting.
Thank you.

      Exams must be stopped. Nowadays, most students are under the pressure of examinations. They complain about emphasizing on scores, too. That is why there was a famous drama named, 'God of studying(공부의 신)' . Actually, we have lots of tests. We have more than 6 tests per a year. Also, they have to study for that. They don't have enough time to spend their free time. So, I think we have to get rid of exams which make students stressful. There are several negative effects of exams.
     First, the tests give students not only stress but also embarrassment. There are many cases of parents compare our test scores with other students. It is not delightful to listen to the nagging or comparisons of parents make. It gives us stress and embarrassment. If students have done poorly on the test while the other students have gotten good scores, they will automatically feel depressed and unpleasant. They will be also disappointed about the fact not only they have failed their tests, but also worried about the scolding of their parents. Furthermore, the exams make conflicts between students and teachers or parents, making the relationship negatively.
     Second of all, examinations are barriers which disturb students to do what they want. This means, even though you have finished on exam, you have to start preparing for the coming exam. So most students can't enjoy their hobbies or interests. This makes students to have troubles in choosing their dreams. Also, some students never rest because they want to get higher marks on next exams. Exams are driving students crazy!
     Moreover, exams make students have depression or many kinds of serious mental problems. According to the news article, the percentage of committing suicide are growing. It also says that the major reason for their suicides was the burden of many exams.
     In addition, exams are too competitive. Students just work hard to win other students, not to improve themselves. Some people may say that it is not a big problem due to competition with others can improve the students' abilities. However, what I want to say is students would think that all students are their rivals. They just emphasize on winning. It can lead students to misunderstand the real purpose of examination. Without awaring exams are for improving, they may think "We study to get good grades and to win my classmates."
     In conclusion, exams must be abolished. They give excessive stress on pupils and take away the chances enjoy their hobbies. Plus, they can broaden the gaps between peers because of they will think each other as competitors instead of friends. They also give some problems mentally. So Mr. Exam, please go away.