2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

     In the writting class, I watched the film named, 'Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring'. Actually, it was not exciting or thrilling as the other films such as Harry Potter or Transformer. However, I enjoyed it very much becuase of its touching messages.
     To sum up the story of the movie, there were 2 main characters who are living in the deep forest. A boy played with a fish, a frog and a snack. He made fun of them by tying with stones. Since he mocked them. the master got angry. He fastened a boy as same as a boy did. In the morning,a boy realized that he did bad behaviors to them. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret becuase the fish and the snake died just because of him. In the last scene of the film, he bursted into tears.
     I'm sure that most students feel shameful after watching it. I also felt disgraceful. I think the movie gives us some lessons and I think that is why the teacher was trying to show this film to us.
     First of all, it gives us a message that love animals. In fact, I hate any kind of animals, especially insects. When I see bugs, I always try to kill them to make them extinct. Now, I realized my behaviors were so cruel that animals really hate. I also determined not to kill or to bully them.
     Secondly, it tries to say "Don't disregard small things". I think he teased them becuase he ignored their life. I'm certain that if they were people like him, he would not play with them. So I learned, even though it's very tiny and small, it has its feelings and life. I decided to respect them.
     Lastly, I thought when I do something bad, it can return to me in anytime and anywhere. I mean, jut like a boy experienced, we have to be aware of your bad things. You can pay back of your faults. It will be too late to feel sorry about your mistakes.
     I really want to apologize about my bad behaviors on animals or some friends. Although it will be difficult to say okay, I hope they forgive me and forget what I did before.

댓글 1개:

  1. I'm very happy about your great progress and your ongoing efforts for your dream and purpose. You're a JJang!. ㅋㅋ
