2011년 1월 25일 화요일


   I visited the site named, 'Highrise'. There were lots of people and countries in the site such as America, Taiwan, Brazil. Also, I could see some videos and learn about those countries. I had to search about John who lives in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
   Republic of South Africa is the most wealthy country in Africa. Also, 2010 World Cup was held in that country. However, I didn't have any idea about the country. I thought that they don't have enough technologies, powers and weapons. I just thought that they live in streets. After I visited the site, I realized that they also live in apartment or buildings. I also felt sorry for them because I ignored them.
   Similarly from Korea, I figured out that they have high rate of cirmes. This is what one of the videos say,
"People used to throw objects, like cupboards, out the windows. People used to throw themselves out the windows to commit suicide. Thugs terrorized everyone and stole all their belongings. There was an incident when a human eye was found on the ground in that lane down there. Another terrible story is when we were renovating the lifts. Part of a person's skull was found when we were cleaning the lifts shafts. Before eKhaya took over there were lanes going through Hillbrow where people were mugged and raped. " I was frightened and shocked by this! In addition, I felt gloomy due to people who commit suicide. I know that Korea is the first country of commit suicide because of stress, burden or the other things. However, I didn't know that South Africans also commit suicide and crime. I thought that they are always happy and satisfied easily. Fortunately, I found that there is a residential improvement program named, eKhaya which John works with.  The word eKhaya means at home and 90% of buildings eKhaya has recovered are safe now. Moreover, because of this, crime levels have dropped and these days it is rare to hear someone tell you that they've been robbed.The thugs have given up because of better security! I wondered that if there were same program in Korea, it would be save and rescue many people. I deplored myself because of lack of these programs in Korea. I thought that we need and require some programs for security programs such as eKhaya.
    I also surprised at the building called, Hijacked building. In that building, the tenants don't pay rent.
A hijacked building is whereby sometimes there's no owner. Sometimes we find that they kill the owner of the building. They move inside. They come to the building hold a meeting with tenants and they  give you the new accounts they are going to reduce rent. So afterwards people start to pay to the new account of the hijacker.The hijackers, their main important thing is to collect money.They don't maintain the buildings, Most of the hijacked buildings don't have lifts because lifts need maintenance. And they are not paying to the water accounts to the city of Johannesburg. They're just taking money to their pockets. So if you're still there after 6 months you'll find that they've cut off lights, cut off water. After people stop paying because they're not getting service from those hijackers. If someone refuge to pay, the next day he will find the person who refused to pay has passed away. They don't fear to shoot a person. If someone refuge to pay, they kill him.
Isn't it so wierd and strange to live in that building? I couldn't understand the people who live in the building which is very scary and fearful. On the other hand, I felt so pity of them who had to live in there because of poverty. I wanted to donated for them.
     Lastly, I figured that churches play a big role in that society because when schools are closed that's where kids go. They  hold their community meetings there and if they live around here and they have an event you can rent the space. Also, they use it as a space to change the bad habits of the community
like teaching people to not throw things and rubbish out their windows. I think it is similar to Korea. I think churches in Korea work hard for community such as volunteering, educating and renting places to meet.
         It was quite interesting to learn about other country. I also realized that there can be many similar or different things. I think we can get lots of lessons from other countries by learing them. So I recommend you to visit http://interactive.nfb.ca/#/outmywindow when you want to learn about other countries.

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