2011년 1월 25일 화요일


 I realized the importance of cellphone by living separately with my parents. I also dropped my cellphone a lot. So, I will write ode about my cellphone.

Dear cellphone

O, cellphone, at first meeting of you and I, I couldn't sleep.
I wanted to play with you for whole days.
It took lots of time to persuade my parents to buy you.
You were always in my hand at the first meeting.
I wanted to take pictures, make a phone call with you

O, cellphone, do you remember that day?
I dropped you 3 months later that I bought you.
Your face became messy and scratched.
From that day, I didn't give you love anymore.
I begged my mom to buy new cellphone.

O, cellphone, I feel sorry about my faults.
I realized that you played a important role in my life.
I could communicate with my families, friends and teachers thanks to you
It would be difficult to live without you!
Thank you very much and I appreciate your sacrifice.

O, cellphone, I promise I will give you love and care
I will not let you feel lonely by playing with you.
I will not let you feel hurt by not dropping you.
I appreciate you very much!

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