2011년 1월 18일 화요일

3rd person narrative

Secret in GLPS 

 Don't tell this story to anybody! It's a top secret. If you reveal this secret, you will get problems in your life. This secret has strong power that make KLMA destroy. Before you hear the secret, you have to promise not to reveal this.  Then, let's go back to 1996 when KMLA established.

 Once upon a time, there was a smart and quiet student named, In Sun. Even though he was very smart and clever, he didn't have money to afford schools. He just graduated middle school in Seoul. He felt gloomy and sad about his poor life. He complained about his poverty to his parents. So he ran away from his house and tried to earn money for attending schools. However, it was very difficult to find jobs. He wanted to go back to his house with starvation, but he couldn't because he really wanted to attend high school!
 One morning, he woke up in the subway station and then found that something is different from yesterday. It was too silent even though it was starting time. He was so curious about it. Eventually, he figured out that people in the world were all gone. He got fear and was affraid. He also discovered a message from the principal. [You are the only one who can solve KMLA's curse. Please come to KMLA until 3 o'clock. ]
He was very puzzled and perplexed. He didn't know about KMLA anything!
 "Where is KMLA?" he mumbled.
 'Go to Kangwondo. Then you can find KMLA'
 He hesitated to go but he felt like someone forced to bring him. When he arrived at KLMA, he was shocked and frightened very much. It was burning. He had to extinguish fire. After he extinguish it, the building began to rebuild by itself! Then, the principal came out and said, "In Sun, thank you very much. I'm principal of KMLA. I really appreciate your efforts. Actually, this school had a curse because there were lots of geniuses. However, you solved our curse so I will allow you to come this school."
 In Sun was very happy to hear that and he became one of the KLMA students.

I'm sorry for vanity story. I was in lack of thinking. ^^

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