2011년 1월 11일 화요일



I'm going to talk about Penelope. She is a character in the book named 'The Odysseus'. To sum up the story of this book, it's about the adventure of Odysseus who is very brave. Penelope was wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus. She was also a daughter of famous king Icarius. She was a queen of Ithaca and had lived in there. Her age is unknown but probably she was not too old. Because most people married early in that period. Her appearance is also not mentioned in the book but I can guess she was very beautiful and charming. Because lots of people wanted to marry with her even though she married. Before I start explaining about her characteristics, I want to hear you some background story about Penelope.
After her husband, Odysseus left his house, lots of suitors visited her. She wished comeback of Odysseus but he didn't. She felt sick and tired of them, too. She just continued the tapestry without responding anything to them. When she finished it, she had to replied when urged to marry. She woven during the day and undid at night the web so carefully. Unfortunately, it was discovered, so she had to make a decision. She had a good idea to delay it. She announced that she will marry with a man who can bend and send a arrow through twelve rings with Odysseus's bow. Actually, it was very strong and mighty. No one could performed it except the old man who was Odysseus in fact. After he succeed performed it, he aimed it toward suitors and finally he told the truth that he is Odysseus.
This story describes Penelope's characteristics very well. I will explain her characteristics which I found in this story. First of all, She was very faithful. She always loved and missed her husband. The book says, she yearn for Odysseus and her heart pines away and filled of grief when he was gone. It means she just love Odysseus not the other men. I think many people who want to divorce should learn something from her. Secondly, she was wary and poised. She was cautious even though lots of suitors proposed to her. She didn't puzzled and tried to solve the problem wisely. In addition, Penelope was observant, too. Moreover, I think she was also strong. Although waiting her husband was difficult, she lived strongly with a hope. She was also noble. Many suitors say to her 'noble woman'. Her this kind of characterist could be attracted lots of men, I think. Lastly, she was quite smart and diligent. She woven and undid her tapestry for 3 years not to reply. She also used Odysseus's bow to choose her husband. These ideas helped her to choose proper guy.
Now, I'm gonna talk about Penelope's feelings in the story. I can divide it for 2 parts. Her feelings before and after of Odysseus's comeback. Actually in the book, it describes lots of her feelings. First of all, I will tell you some feelings before the appearance of Odysseus. She felt lonely, depressed, gloomy and disappointed. She said 'My life is torment'. She missed him very much. She also missed her son who left house to find Odysseus. I think she was the poorest woman in that period. Because of her lost of families. However, after finding her husband, she was in joy and happiness. In my opinion, I can guess she couldn't sleep because of delightful news.
Actually, preparing this presentation was very difficult due to I couldn't use secondary sources. However, it was quite interesting that I read books and assume her characteristics. I also felt Penelope is great woman.

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