2011년 1월 9일 일요일

Go away, Mr. Exam!

Go away, Mr. Exam!

 I'm sick and tired of lots of exams that I have. Also, many students feel like me, eighter.
Goverment and schools just focusing on the score of tests, not character.
I strongly believe exams should be banned in the schools.
My classmates and I wrote a essay about abolishing exams.
I hope people have a fun of our essay even though it's boring or not interesting.
Thank you.

      Exams must be stopped. Nowadays, most students are under the pressure of examinations. They complain about emphasizing on scores, too. That is why there was a famous drama named, 'God of studying(공부의 신)' . Actually, we have lots of tests. We have more than 6 tests per a year. Also, they have to study for that. They don't have enough time to spend their free time. So, I think we have to get rid of exams which make students stressful. There are several negative effects of exams.
     First, the tests give students not only stress but also embarrassment. There are many cases of parents compare our test scores with other students. It is not delightful to listen to the nagging or comparisons of parents make. It gives us stress and embarrassment. If students have done poorly on the test while the other students have gotten good scores, they will automatically feel depressed and unpleasant. They will be also disappointed about the fact not only they have failed their tests, but also worried about the scolding of their parents. Furthermore, the exams make conflicts between students and teachers or parents, making the relationship negatively.
     Second of all, examinations are barriers which disturb students to do what they want. This means, even though you have finished on exam, you have to start preparing for the coming exam. So most students can't enjoy their hobbies or interests. This makes students to have troubles in choosing their dreams. Also, some students never rest because they want to get higher marks on next exams. Exams are driving students crazy!
     Moreover, exams make students have depression or many kinds of serious mental problems. According to the news article, the percentage of committing suicide are growing. It also says that the major reason for their suicides was the burden of many exams.
     In addition, exams are too competitive. Students just work hard to win other students, not to improve themselves. Some people may say that it is not a big problem due to competition with others can improve the students' abilities. However, what I want to say is students would think that all students are their rivals. They just emphasize on winning. It can lead students to misunderstand the real purpose of examination. Without awaring exams are for improving, they may think "We study to get good grades and to win my classmates."
     In conclusion, exams must be abolished. They give excessive stress on pupils and take away the chances enjoy their hobbies. Plus, they can broaden the gaps between peers because of they will think each other as competitors instead of friends. They also give some problems mentally. So Mr. Exam, please go away.

댓글 1개:

  1. I also agree that exams should be abolished. I don't really know why they are for except giving stress to students.
